Privacy policy


Responsible for treatment


Tax code: B83618660

Los Chopos 8 St.

28979 Serranillos del Valle

Madrid, Spain

Phone number (+34) 639173456



The personal data provided are intended to be used for sending administrative, technical, organizational and/or commercial information about our products and services and will be kept as long as the commercial relationship with the interested part is preserved and no deletion is requested for it, notwithstanding that under the current legislation it may be preserved for longer.

The company will not make automated decisions, profiles or logic applied to your data.


By completing this form and accepting the privacy policy, you grant your express consent so that your data can be processed by SAGRACODE to send you administrative, technical, organizational and/or commercial information about our products and services.

All the fields marked with an asterisk (*) in this form will be mandatory, so that the omission of any of them may lead to the impossibility of meeting your request for information.


The data may be communicated to those in charge of processing who perform subcontracted activities and with whom we formalize the corresponding contract in compliance with the data protection regulation.


The interested party can exercise the following rights:

  • Right to request access to his personal data.
  • Right to request its rectification or deletion.
  • Right to request the limitation of its treatment.
  • Right to object to treatment.
  • Right to data portability.
  • Right to withdraw consent given.

These rights can be exercised through the email, attaching a photocopy of the ID, name and surname of the interested party and the right that you wish to exercise.